
As an experienced strategist in poker and chess, Qubes embarked on his trading journey two years ago. This venture was sparked by the insightful Twitch streams of Skinner, which led him to the welcoming community at STG. His approach to trading mirrors the methodical and strategic tactics he employs in his games.

Qubes' analytical skills, honed through years of competitive poker, have yielded impressive results. He has secured a funded trading account with an exceptional 100% win rate. It's important to note that such a win rate is extraordinary and not representative of the average trader's experience. Even I, Skoller, have not yet achieved such a flawless record. However, Qubes' success underscores the effectiveness of a well-planned strategy and disciplined execution.

We understand the importance of transparency and validation of these results. Therefore, we welcome any inquiries for further information. We encourage you to join our community and interact with Qubes directly on the trading floor. He is often available for strategic discussions, offering an opportunity to learn from one of STG's most diligent minds


Joining STG for me is the push I needed to be more serious in doing the grind to learn trading. Before STG I don’t journal my trades or backtest the strategy I’m using. For the course itself, I like how it has 2 mediums of explanation, in text with pictures of charts and video explanation. That way the concepts and strategy are more concrete. Takes out the 2nd guessing of things. The dancer role is where you’ll get the most value. I like the feedback being given on the journals. The new addition of live 1 on 1 mentoring is the one I’m looking forward to. Showing how I trade through backtest (execution and charting) and Skoller giving feedback on things that I miss or can improve upon. I also like the leveling system and examination. This serves as confirmation that the concepts were understood correctly and the leveling system prevents information overload

Currently 3 users have reached funded last month. 

In total more than 7 clients withdrawal every month and have proven consistency. 

(We try to edit this every month, feel free to request current month numbers via email or discord last edit 17/08/2024)

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